Welcome To
Lake Forest Estates

Lake Forest Community Association
Office hours: M,W,F 8:15 am-12:30 pm (unless otherwise posted)
Phone: 573-483-9861
Resident Services
Text Notifications for Community Notices
Sign up for text notifications for community notices. This service is used to pass along important, relevant information such as main breaks, no burn orders, board meeting reminders, etc. This is a one-way communication from the Board or Community Manager and does not allow recipients of messages to respond or post messages to others, nor will your phone number be available to others. To sign up, send a text message to 81010 with the following message: @skilfe
Sewer and Water
​Sewer and water service are provided by Lake Forest through the Clean Water District. Please contact the Clean Water District at 573-483-9833 or lfecwd.office@gmail.com for any questions or to establish/disconnect service.
Trash & Recycling
Trash and Recycling service is provided by Republic Services. The rate, although contracted for residents of Lake Forest, is the responsibility of the homeowner. The contract (5 year contract here) allows one trash pickup every Friday of up to two 90 gallon containers, and one bi-weekly Tuesday pickup of recyclable materials. The rates from June 1st, 2024 - June 1st, 2025 are as follows $75.57/qtr (for 1 can) with a discounted rate of $69.12/qtr for seniors age 65+. If you have a 2nd can the price is an additional $8.00/mo or $24.00/qtr. Please contact Republic Services for delivery of trash cans or bill discrepancies @ (800) 844-3151.
For non full-time residents, there are dumpsters located near the community center to be used for your trash. Please limit your trash to a kitchen-sized trash bag or two per week.
Note: All trash containers must be kept inside except for trash pick-up days.
Outgoing Mail : There is an outgoing mail slot in the post office which is picked up Monday - Saturday.
Incoming Mail: Mail from the US Postal Service is delivered to the Lake Forest post office Monday through Saturday. The prior owner of your house should leave the key and box number to your Lake Forest mailbox. You will need to file a normal change of address with the post office to start receiving your mail in the Lake Forest post office. Please contact the Sainte Genevieve location of the U.S. post office at 135 Merchant St., Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670 if the prior resident does not leave you the key or number to your box. The Lake Forest office is not able to put anything in these mailboxes or remove anything. They are the property of the United States Postal Service.
For larger deliveries that come through the USPS that will not fit in your mailbox, there are numbered lockable cabinets in the Lake Forest post office. If you receive such a delivery, the mail carrier will put a numbered key inside your regular mailbox. Use that key to retrieve your package from one of the lockable cabinets. Leave the cabinet unlocked and drop the key in the outgoing USPS mail slot on the wall, so the mail carrier will be able to retrieve the key for use by another delivery.
UPS and FEDEX deliveries will be made to your residence.